Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer is Over

Maybe not quite so but it’s very close. I don’t refer to the calendar time constraints of the seasons, but the events taking place with in our lives. First of all, school is back in session. Next, you see farmers gearing up for harvest, or maybe a better term would be gearing up for salvage. Surely many of the cornfields are in sad shape. Even those with irrigation don’t always look so good these days.

Indoor recreational activities are starting to resume as well. In the Tony Tank Redmen’s lodge the pool league and shuffleboard league have already begun. Tonight, the fall dart league got under way as well. Darts. Another activity my wife and I enjoy. It’s not the game that is so great as much as the fellow darters (maybe that’s a correct term) that we share time and conversation with. As the weather grows colder and the days grow shorter the time spent with friends like this is invaluable. Surprisingly we have much in common with the folks we throw with. Many are married couples like us, but there is one mother/daughter team. Two teams have been paired by chance and other players just show up in case someone needs a substitute for the night. It may not be as much fun as sporting clays, but in January it’s a far sight warmer.

I shall certainly miss the summer. But darts, turkey shoots, and sporting clays will get me through. That of course is second only to family and friends.

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