Monday, July 30, 2007

All the news that is news

I'll bet the Daily Times is sorry they missed this one. Heather Zara has a part time time gig at Market Street Inn and has a DUI on her record. According to Albero this fact will apparently upset the judicial system in Wicomico Co. and will be of great concern to our Judges.

I wonder if pulling a rickshaw on the Plaza would have the same effect.

What wonderful news. You heard it from Albero first! Hope CBS and FOX picked up on it.


Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Joe for that news. Market Street is my favorite bar and I will now visit again now that I know Heather is working there with the other marvelous staff members.

Gunpowder Chronicler said...

Rickshaw races on the plaza! Excellent idea!

Historical Wit said...

Shoot, market street will never be the party it used to be. I remember on night we got all wasted and started doing cannonballs off the bridge. Good times.

¿Yh8? said...

Really don't think that an arrest of a small town "celeb" who needs a waitress job is really "news" worthy. Don't see why "celebs" are news at all. Their just peeps. — Sure there were plenty other dui's issued that same night.

Anonymous said...


A bartender, albeit a part time bartender, but still, that is some really big news.

Gunpowder Chronicler said...

Why does Runaround Sue pick on women so much?

Soapbox said...

My guess is it makes him feel more manly.