This morning under a beautiful sunshiny day the Salisbury Fire Department held it's 6th annual Medals Day Ceremony on the lawn of Station 16 on Cypress St. Unique to this this Medal Day Ceremony is that it was the first one to be attended by Salisbury's new Mayor Jim Ireton, the first one to be held at the new Station 16, and the last one to be attended by Chief David See as he will be retiring later this month.
Also in attendance for todays events were Mr. Richard Pollitt, County Executive, Mr. John Cannon, President of the Wicomico County Council, Ms. Louise Smith, President of the Salisbury City Council, Delegate Jim Mathias and a number of other dignitaries and honored guests. One very special guest to todays events was Mr. Robert Cannon, father to John Cannon. Mr. Bob, as he is affectionately known, has always been a great friend to the Salisbury Fire Department over the years and is always a most welcome guest to many events through out the year hosted by the SFD. 
The Ocean City Pipe and Drum Corps opened the event today accompanied by the Salisbury Fire Department Color Guard presented the colors of our great county, State and City. Retired Chief of Operations Timothy Keenan emceed today's activities and following an opening prayer and moment of silence for our deceased members the awards for today's recipients were read and presented.
Included in today's awards were a Citizens Commendation, two Distinguished Service Awards, and several Unit Citation awards to members operating on Rescue 16, Paramedic 1,
Assistant Chief 1, Car 2, Rescue/Engine 302, Squad 3, (Fruitland VFD) and Paramedic B-15 (Allen VFD).
The Ocean City Pipe and Drum Corps opened the event today accompanied by the Salisbury Fire Department Color Guard presented the colors of our great county, State and City. Retired Chief of Operations Timothy Keenan emceed today's activities and following an opening prayer and moment of silence for our deceased members the awards for today's recipients were read and presented.
Included in today's awards were a Citizens Commendation, two Distinguished Service Awards, and several Unit Citation awards to members operating on Rescue 16, Paramedic 1,
At the conclusion of the award presentation the colors were retired by the color Guard and the Pipe & Drum Corps and the new Tower Ladder 16 was officially dedicated and housed in the Station. All in all it was a great day for the ceremony and for the attendees of event. Congratulations to all those receiving recognition today and congratulations to Chief See on the conclusion of a 30 year career.
Went to try and catch a word w/ you amongst the hub bub but missed you!!
Thanks for taking the pics and for simply being there. Great to see a retired, respected member be at events such as this...wish there had been more of you guys!!
I am always honored to be in the presence of fellow FF when they are recognized for the often thankless
job they do. Sorry I missed you but I had another errand to do. I did get to see and hug your better half though,----made mt day too! LOL
Talk to you soon.
Lucky Dog!!!
She probably enjoyed it more than you did!!! Heeheehee!!
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