Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Take the crisp cold of a December night, add two generous parts of snow, stir in air so clear it tinkles.

Into a generous heart, mix the wonder of a little girl, the sparkle of a young boy's glance, the love of parents, and set gently before the chimney side.

Add the lightest touch of a reindeer's hooves, a sprig of holly, a scent of fir.

Set the mixture to rise in the warmth of a dream of good will to men.

It will be almost ready to serve when it bubbles with warmth and good feeling.

Bedeck with the light of a star set in the East, garnish with shining balls of gold, silver, and red.

Serve to the tune of an ancient carol in the middle of the family table.

Have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year
Joe P. & family


gull92 said...


Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Joe Friday said...

I see no mention of Coors here? That must be in the recipe somewhere! Just kidding. Hope your day was a merry one!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhem, you forget the eggnog!
But I do like what you wrote.
Hope you had a fine day yesterday as my family did, It was a beautiful day. I guess if we couldn't have a white hristmas then yesterday would be my 2nd choice.
Happy New Year Joe.