Monday, September 17, 2007

A/C Hastings retirement.

Since Albero has out scooped me on the retirement of A/C Eddie Hastings from the Salisbury Fire Department, and has insisted that I have wronged him by not posting about the event, I shall defer to his BLOG for all the information.

I will say that Eddie and I have been friends and colleagues for many years. We continue to be so.

Congratulations Eddie. I have said it to your face several times and now I will say it here so that Albero may boast his “I told you so”. Good luck with all your future endeavors and I hope you and Jenny enjoy many more years of each other’s company.
By the way---Please don’t forget our next regular breakfast meeting on the 26th. You know where—see you there.


TomCat said...

Big Deal Joe Scooped You! I don't even think this is a news item. Personally, I wouldn't have gone if I was invited. IMO Eddie is worse than a woman when it comes to gossip and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Soapbox said...

I have to admit over the years I may not have agreed with all that Eddie did or said. However the same is true with many of the fine men and women I have worked with and they can say the same about me. However, I believe the bottom line is that in the end we all knew the level of one another’s ability to mitigate any incident or situation placed before us. Each of us respected the other and any time the need may arise information from a colleague was welcomed, evaluated, and implemented if that information was determined to be of value to expedite the successful conclusion of an incident. Eddie Hastings is a very knowledgeable individual of the many aspects of the modern fire service. I would not hesitate for an instant to tap his brain for ideas and concepts of any given incident.

Have I always agreed with him? No.
Has he always agreed with me? No.

Do we share a mutual respect for each other? I certainly believe we do. It is because of this mutual respect for one another that Eddie and I remain friends.

Your feelings towards Eddie are your own and I shall not condemn you for that. I do appreciate the fact that you have not condemned me for my friendship to Eddie.

I look forward to your future comments on my BLOG. Thank you for your honesty.