I've seen Harrier jets a couple of times but thankfully never like this.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pittsville VFD Sporting Clay Shoot
This past Sunday at Owens Station Sporting Clays in Greenwood Delaware, The Pittsville Volunteer Fire Department held it's 3rd annual sporting clay shoot. Under moderately overcast sky, which was not a bad thing, more than 70 shooters showed up to compete. Trappers at every station were kept quite busy with the crowd and made sure the target flew on demand from the the shooters. Each station held a new target presentation and true pairs and report pairs were the order of day.
The great thing about sporting clays is that as a general rule there's not much doubt about whether a target is hit or not. Anything from a little chip breaking off to a complete "dusting" of the target counts as a dead target or a hit. If there is is ever any question though, you can believe that in a competition like this there are always plenty of judges around to make the call. Of course these judges are for the most part your competitors so sometimes even their calls are, shall we say questionable depending on how close you are to their score. Most of these guys know one another and the bantering is all good natured and very seldom is there any disputes.
The game consists of 50 targets divided at around 10 stations over the entire course. From start to end it take about an hour to shoot the course depending on the size group you may be shooting with. Afterwards, the entry fee for the tournament includes lunch and this year Pittsville VFD had pulled pork sandwich platters. The pork was prepared by Station 7 Restaurant in Pittsville and I have to say it was quite tasty and plentiful.
(I knew I shouldn't have bought her that Beretta)
Interested in shooting sporting clays? Click on the title of this post and it will take you to the Owens Station site where you can all the information you need about their facility. They're great folks and any time you need a shooting partner drop me a line I'll see what we can arrange.
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends, Another Great Book

I recently finished the book whose cover is pictured at right. Another book about "Easy Co." of the 101st Airborne Division and two of the men that were there. Both of these men hail from South Philadelphia and lived within walking distance of one another but never met until they were in England at the same time after the Normandy invasion. Bill Guarnere lost a leg in the Ardennes Forrest outside the the town of Foy during the "Battle of the Bilge". "Babe" Heffron remained in Europe till the surrender of Germany in 1945. Since the war the men have been inseparable for more than 60 years.
It's quite a story and as much as it is about them overall they consider it a story of all the men that went to fight. Truly the last two chapters of this book have the most impact to the reader. You really get the feeling you would like to know these men, not just to meet them, but know them.
It's an easy read over-all but you do have to pay attention while reading as the book goes back and forth between the two men's stories and sometimes you can get the feeling your re-reading a section when in reality the book has just switched from one to another of the guys.
The book is available online at many of the usual sources or I'm sure it can be borrowed from your local library. If you are a WWII history buff or just like good reading it's well worth the time. Enjoy
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friends of NRA, 2009
Folks, it's time once again for the annual Friends of the NRA banquet and fund raiser. This year once again the event will be held at the Delmar VFW in Delmar MD. on June 6th 2009. The VFW in Delmar is just a block east of "The Old Mill" Crab House and is easy to find. Featured this year again will be a live auction, a silent auction, a bucket auction, and many other games for prizes. All this follows a great meal prepared by the members of the VFW. Ticket prices vary according to the package you buy and range from $55.00 to $310.00. All information on packages and ticket request can be obtained by calling Mr. Ray Wheatly @:
or by mail @:
Mr. Ray Wheatly
8840 Athol Road
Mardela Springs, MD
It's a great meal and a great event for a great cause. Funds raised are used to help protect your 2nd amendment right to keep & bear arms. Kindly give Ray a call for information and tickets to attend this fantastic event
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
"Help Save Tracy" at Common Grounds on May 16th

Make a date to visit "Common Ground" coffee house @ 701 East Naylor Mill Road on Saturday May 16th between 12:00 noon and 9:00 pm for a Tracy Gibbs Benefit. Great coffee, teas, smoothies and live entertainment are on the agenda for the day and a portion of the proceeds go directly to the "Friends of Tracy Gibbs" fund. My previous post was also about Tracy and as before you can visit his site for his entire story by clicking on the title of this post.
A cup of coffee or tea, some live entertainment, just a little of your time and a lot of help to a family that desperately needs it. Won't you please come out and help?
Thanks in advance and we will see you there!
Staff of Common Grounds said...
We will be showing the Preakness between performers.
Help save a life and celebrate the State's Biggest Race.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pittsville VFD Annual Clay shoot

It's time again for the annual Pittsville Clay Shoot to be held at Owens Station Sporting Clays in Greenwood Delaware. This is the third year for this shoot and if you are into shooting sports this is a great event to attend. Scoring is done on the "Lewis System" which is an accepted handicap system for scoring and it means even the novice shooter has a chance to win in his or her class. The classes are divided by number of shooters and scores for the day.
Never tried this before? This is a great place to start! Everyone you meet will be friendly and helpful and it is a great opportunity to learn the sport plus it benefits a great cause. The $65.00 entry fee covers your round of clays, that's 50 targets, lunch and a chance in the gun raffle. Additionally you get a T-Shirt or a box shells as a bonus.
Great fun for a great cause and your bound to meet or make friends! See you there on May 24th.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
An American Hero Needs Your Help

Tracy Gibb is an American Hero and he needs help. His son is critically ill and the family desperately needs financial assistance. Tracy's history is a bit long an d detailed for me to reproduce here but by clicking on the title of this post you will taken to a site where you can read both of their stories.
Tracy, after serving so faithfully in the U.S. Navy continues service to his County and community at NASA, Wallops Island and the Salisbury Fire Department. Tracy has received numerous awards from the United States and the Salisbury Fire Department for his actions during the course of his duties. Tracy also serves the community in a quiet manner as a member of Centennial Lodge # 221 A.F. & A.M. in Salisbury.
Won't you please check out Tracy's site and read his story and that of his son? And please--if you can, contribute to his cause for his family. Thank You in advance for your generosity.
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