Back on December 17th it became necessary to have Ahrens, one of our Dalmatians put down. She had several strokes and had gone blind. Yesterday, February 21st we were again faced with this terrible decision with Christie our remaining Dal. She has had a history of seizures had although for years they were minor and far between they had become more frequent and more severe. Also she has been loosing control of her hind legs and would occasionally fall down. It didn't seem to bother her much and so we did not see the need to take any action. Yesterday when we came home from our day's activities she fell down several times in less than a half an hour and it was very obvious that while on her feet she was extremely unsteady. She also was obviously getting very frustrated with herself and was getting distressed. After several more falls we called the Pet E.R. and asked if they could see her. They were available so we took her right away.
After an examination they confirmed that there was some severe neurological activity going on and in the process of having a seizure she too had a stroke. The Vet believes she actually had either a small stroke or seizure while being examined. In the vets office it was necessary to wrap a towel under her belly to hold her up and help her walk. The vet assured us she was probably not in pain but the distress she was having was a strain on her and none of the problems were going to get better and possible could not even be arrested. Christie was only two weeks younger than Ahrens and was also 13 1/2 years old. We stayed with her for the entire process time and she left us while in our arms.
She will be cremated and when the time is right we will scatter her remains and Ahrens at the same time here in the yard were they grew up and played together.
After an examination they confirmed that there was some severe neurological activity going on and in the process of having a seizure she too had a stroke. The Vet believes she actually had either a small stroke or seizure while being examined. In the vets office it was necessary to wrap a towel under her belly to hold her up and help her walk. The vet assured us she was probably not in pain but the distress she was having was a strain on her and none of the problems were going to get better and possible could not even be arrested. Christie was only two weeks younger than Ahrens and was also 13 1/2 years old. We stayed with her for the entire process time and she left us while in our arms.
She will be cremated and when the time is right we will scatter her remains and Ahrens at the same time here in the yard were they grew up and played together.
Farewell dear Christie. We will miss you.
Ahrens (L) and Christie(R) together on the couch.