For those of you that collect "Cat's Meow" items the Salisbury Fire Department Auxiliary has for sale commemorative plaques of the old Salisbury Fire Headquarters and the new Station 16 fire house. These plaques are of limited quantity and as with all cat's meow plaques they will be of collector interest in the future.
The mission Statement for the SFD Auxiliary is:
The Salisbury Headquarters Auxiliary exists to support the Salisbury Fire Department by providing assistance when necessary and carrying out varied programs to enhance the effective guidelines and policies set forth by the Salisbury Fire Department. We base our core values on honesty, integrity, teamwork, commitment to excellence, knowledge, creativity, respect and a balanced life.
The Auxiliary responds to the larger fire alarms such as house fires, as well as extended calls such as the horse rescue at Pemberton Historical Park . We provide drinks and food when the firefighters need to be rehabed on the scene, dry shirts when theirs are cold and wet, moral support in the time of devastation, and strength when needed. The Auxiliary helps the Salisbury Fire Dept when they are hosting meetings at Station 16. We have prepared meals for Open Houses, the County Ladies Auxiliary meetings, County Fire Association meetings, State Fire Chief's Association meetings, and the Chamber of Commerce. The Auxiliary serves the community during Fire Prevention Education Week. We have created programs that are held at the Wicomico County Public Library during that week. The programs are age based and are held several times during Fire Prevention Week. We are currently doing research in order to create programs for EMS Week.The Auxiliary raises funds to cover the expense of the supplies that we need when we respond to the fire scene during a call. We also use these funds to cover the cost of any Fire Prevention Education materials that we cannot obtain for free.
I was with the SFD for nearly 30 years and I can assure you the auxiliary has more than once been a welcome presence on the scene of extended operations. Hot coffee or cold drinks and sandwiches more than once made the difference for the men and women working the incident. Won't you kindly support this important addition to the SFD and purchase one or both plaques for you home or current collection.
For purchase information contact Beverly Tull @ 443.235.1423 Thanks!