Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another Faire to Enjoy

Monday, October 27, 2008
Something for Amusement
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another Visit to The Standpipe
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Breast Cancer Site Needs Your Help
Please tell 10 friends, family members and co-workers about clicking to fund free mammograms at The Breast Cancer Site today. "
It only takes a minute of your time and it cost you nothing! While you are there, click on the buttons for the other five sites as well. Again it cost nothing but a few minutes each day. You can sign up for daily e-mail reminders to make it even easier to do this.
Click on the link above or on the title of this post to go the "The Breast Cancer Site"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kyle Dixon Scholarship Dinner and Auction
This Sunday between 1 and 5 pm there will be a Beef & Dumpling dinner for the Kyle Dixon Scholarship Fund at the Delmar VFW. A silent auction will be held all day and a live auction will begin around 5 pm. Admission for the event is just $10.00.
Looking for a great Sunday Dinner at a reasonable cost and for a good cause? Delmar VFW is the place to go this Sunday, October 19th.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Only 2 Days Left!
This year there were a total of 47 separate stage acts for the entire season. Not all the acts are available every weekend but with 7 stages, the jousting arena, and a scheduled act in one of the five taverns there is little room for idle time and the variety of acts abound. Shown here the "Pyrates Royale" perform in the Globe theater. Great harmony and humor blended to perfection for family entertainment.
Probably the main attraction of the day is the joust. There 4 held each day and it is wise to get to the arena early to snag a seat. The knights engage is several competitions and mock fights prior to main event and shown off their skill as horsemen and entertainers. The actual joust itself gets to be serious business for these guys and points are awarded for each strike made by the lance. This is a real competition and is not choreographed.
There are over a hundred artisans and craftsmen though out the Shire giving demonstrations and selling wares as seen at this glassblowing shoppe. Notice the crowd is at standing room only as all the benches have been taken up for this demo.
There is so much more to see and do as well but it would be impossible to list it all here. If you can't make this year plan on going in 2009 for a great family outing. Food and beverages are aplenty and even though there was a line where we ate, it moved quickly and we were not delayed with the wait.
If you go---GO EARLY. Wear comfortable shoes because the shire is a bit hilly in places and walking is the only mode of transportation. Thee is plenty to see and do. Take a few minutes to review the program (they're free at the gate) and plan your day. You can't see it all in one visit and I'm sure a return trip will be in your future.
Click on the title of this post to be directed to the Faire website.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A.T.C.A. Show at Redmens Lodge in Fruitland
Much of the field adjacent the the Redmen's lodge was filled with vehicles. To the right is just a few of the restored big rigs on display.
Fred Moore of Allen owns this restored 1926 Chevrolet delivery truck. The wood on this truck is absolutely beautiful and it is easy to see a great deal of care has gone into it's restoration.
Women Supporting Women Walk for Awareness
The entry fee for the walk included lunch for the participants and as the walk commenced employees of the "Texas Roadhouse" were busy preparing dogs and burgers.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A.T.C.A. Show this Saturday
Food and refreshments will be provided by the Redmens lodge and will include oyster sandwiches, burgers and dogs, and soft drinks. Admission to the show is free.
See you there!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sporting Clays Event.
I took first place in the "B" class today. My better half started out very strong and up to the last three station had me on the ropes. However after a couple of real tough target presentations and a little luck on my behalf I managed to edge her out.
Phew. Good thing too or I would have never heard the end of it. Man, that lady can shoot with that Beretta!
While we are the subject of shooting for a cause, take a look at this:
This will also be held at Owens Station and the manager tells me it promises to be a good crowd. Entry fee is $75.00 but it goes to a great cause. Lunch is included and you are entered into a raffle for a new sporting clay gun not to mention all the great people you will be around and as you can see first time shooters are welcome and encouraged.
Click on the title of this post and you will be taken to the Owens Station web site. Click on "location" in the orange box and get easy directions to the range.
See you there!
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Put a paw print on your calendar for October 11th and bring your human to the Women Supporting Women Walk for Awareness at Winterplace Park. Humans walk for a $15.00 entry fee and for a mere $5.00 more K-9 companions can accompany their humans. Four footed walker get a really neat pink doggie bandanna and the first 500 humans get a T-shirt. Lunch provided for all by Texas Roadhouse.
All proceeds go to Women Supporting Women. All funds raised by this organizations stays right here on the Shore benefiting local folks. Click on the Heading of this post for more information about Women Supporting Women.
See you there! Ruff!