On Saturday April the 12
th the Salisbury Fire Department held it's 135
th annual banquet for members, employees and special guests. I did not get a head count but I can assure you the attendance was huge. I had a few camera glitches and didn't get all the photos I would like to have but I can share a few with you.
In the top photo is one of the best friends the Salisbury Fire Department has ever had. Mr. Robert Cannon over the years has shown more support for the
SFD than be written here. I know for many years he
insisted on buying the flowers each spring used for landscaping around the station. At Christmas time it was not
unusual to find
poinsettias for the members, or cases of fresh fruit to be shared, and some times boxes of cookies or candy. Many times in the middle of the night it was not at all unusual to see Mr. Cannon in the station when we returned from an alarm. He was there to simple show his support for the work we did.

Encore Catering put on a pretty good spread too! Fare for the evening was fried chicken, ham, roast beef, new
potatoes, green beans, mac cheese and more. The dessert table had cakes, pies, warm rice pudding and a
chocolate fountain with strawberries, pretzels, and
other sinful stuff.
This year three members were honored for for their service. Acting A/C John (
Bunky) Adams
Jr, and Lt. Terry Jones
received their medal for 20 years of service and Ms. Paula Jones, department administrative assistant,
received a 30 year rocker for her service. Congratulation to all three.
Several new members from all three stations were introduce and the Ladies organization from each station also
recognized their new and past members. After the program and dinner a dance was held with music provided by "
Puttin' on the Disc".
A special "Thank You" goes out to Station 11,
Powellville VFD,
Station 6,
Parsonsburg VFD, and Station 7
Pittsville VFD for the evening. Each of these three stations provided and Engine and Crew to cover Station, 16,
Station 1, and Station 2, so that our members could attend the evening festivities. Thank You folks for all you do!
The next event on the
Calender for the
SFD is Saturday April 26
th for the Medal Day Ceremonies to be held at Station 16 downtown. The program for Medal Day will begin at 10:00 am.
The next day, April 27
th, Station 16 will move to its new location on Cypress St. Following a ceremony with the removal of the colors the entire company will march parade formation to the new site. There another ceremony with presentation of colors will performed and Station 16 Cypress Street will begin operations. The ceremony will begin at 1:
oo pm.
administrative offices and training division will complete their moves to the new station within a few weeks with much less fanfare. Hope to see you there!